Een week na de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen organiseren Omnicom Public Relations Group en Logeion een webinar. Door de ogen van insiders uit Washington DC, krijgen we inzichten over wat de uitkomst van de verkiezingen betekent voor het Amerikaanse politieke beleid. In het tweede gedeelte van het webinar, horen we verschillende perspectieven vanuit de Nederlandse industrie, wetenschappers en politiek, op de impact van de verkiezingsresultaten op de Europese en Nederlandse politiek en het bedrijfsleven.
Dit webinar is een samenwerking van Omnicom Public Relations Group en Logeion.
Een week na de Amerikaanse presidentsverkiezingen organiseren Omnicom Public Relations Group en Logeion een webinar. Door de ogen van insiders uit Washington DC, krijg je in het eerste deel inzichten over wat de uitkomst van de verkiezingen betekent voor het Amerikaanse politieke beleid.
In het tweede deel van het webinar, hoor je verschillende perspectieven vanuit de Nederlandse industrie, wetenschappers en politiek, op de impact van de verkiezingsresultaten op de Europese en Nederlandse politiek en het bedrijfsleven.
Deel 1 is in het Engels, deel 2 in het Nederlands. Dit webinar wordt opgenomen, deelnemers ontvangen een link naar de replay.

Over de sprekers
Caroline Behringer
Caroline Behringer is currently the Managing Director at UpShift Strategies, who work with progressive organizations to develop messages and strategies that break through, make an impact and create change. She is a communications strategist with more than a decade of experience working in senior level positions on Capitol Hill, on campaigns, in the Administration, and in the private sector, helping organizations navigate public affairs challenges to create positive change. Caroline is known for her ability to quickly master complex policy issues, and thrives on building relationships with reporters and stakeholders in order to tell impactful stories for her clients.
David Gallagher
David is responsible for developing Omnicom Public Relations Group’s offering internationally, enabling people and organizations to connect with world-class public relations services throughout the world. He joined Omnicom Public Relations Group from one of its global networks, Ketchum, where he was chief executive for its European region and senior advisor to many of its global clients. David is known as a modernizer in the industry and an advocate for collaboration, serving as chairman for several national and international trade bodies, and his contributions to the field have been recognized with achievement awards from the Public Relations Society of America, the Public Relations and Communications Association of the UK and various magazines and publications. He has served as jury president for the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Eurobest and other creative services awards competitions, and is currently a member of the World Economic Forum’s global council on the future of behavioural sciences. David is based in London.
Jacques Bettelheim
Jacques is een resultaatgerichte, betrouwbare en enthousiaste adviseur. Hij is gespecialiseerd in public affairs en stakeholdermanagement, maar heeft een brede communicatieachtergrond. Als voormalig journalist is hij een ervaren mediatrainer en gecertificeerd crisisadviseur. In zijn vrije tijd is Jacques actief in besturen en raden van toezicht van maatschappelijk relevante organisaties. Hij is een fervent quizzer en dol op nutteloze informatie.
Justin Kissinger
Global Director of Public Policy at Heineken; Former Counsel to the House Democratic Caucus
Justin Kissinger is the Global Director of Public Policy for Heineken International. In this role he aligns public policy across the global business, drives the agenda related to responsible consumption and public health, and leads engagement with multilateral organizations. In addition, he is the former counsel to the House Democratic Caucus.
Marcel Halma
Vice President Public Affairs & Government Relations
Marcel Halma is the director of global government relations and public affairs activities, internal communications and external and media relations at the Dutch multinational Nouryon (the former specialty chemicals business of AkzoNobel). Before joining Nouryon and AkzoNobel, he worked as deputy director-general for a trade association, while also serving as President of the Dutch Association of Public Affairs Professionals.
Marcel started his career as a Dutch diplomat, having served for almost 14 years in Brussels, Geneva and New York and The Hague, and as director of communications for the Dutch minister for European Affairs Frans Timmermans.
Martijn van Helvert
Martijn van Helvert has been an active member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands for almost six years. As a politician for CDA, he values people’s initiatives, cultural treasures, and subsidiarity (which he defines to be the right to do so by yourself). His portfolio in the House of Representatives is about infrastructure. Van Helvert is the Chairman of the Contact group United States of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands. The Contact group United States is a permanent committee in the House of Representatives. The purpose of the contact group is to maintain structural contact at parliamentary level with the members of Congress of the United States. In this way, the historical and cultural ties between the two countries are strengthened. The Contact group United States was established at the beginning of 2019 as a result of a motion by van Helvert himself.
Noah Black
Noah Black is Partner and General manager North-America at Portland Communications and a proven thought leader in the communications world. He is an experienced strategic communications counselor who has led global positioning and reputation campaigns for advocacy organizations, companies and governments. He counsels clients on communication strategies to support advocacy efforts, regulatory and legislative goals, brand positioning, stakeholder engagement and reputation programs. Moreover, he is deeply involved in cultivating media relationships, serving as a spokesperson and advising leadership at the highest levels.
Ruth Oldenziel
Ruth Oldenziel is a professor in The History of Technology—in particular the relationship between Europe and the United States, at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her areas of expertise and numerous publications include History science and technology, American & European History, mobility studies, cultural studies, and gender studies.
Her research focuses on the mutual shaping and exchanging of technological knowledge and practices between Europe and the United States in a transnational context. She heads a research program on Sustainable Urban Mobility since the 1850s (SUM). She is program leader of Cycling Cities: The Global Experience (CC) research project at the TU/e in collaboration with the Foundation for the History of Technology that has received worldwide attention from policymakers and researchers alike.
Oldenziel regularly acts as a media commentator on topical issues when the US is in the news. She is chair of TakeCareBnB and the John Adams Institute; board member of the Fulbright and Netherlands American Studies Association; advisor to the Ivy League Circle, and guest researcher and lecturer at various universities in the United States and Europe.